Simon Tookoome 1934 - 2010 Works Available A Time of Plenty, 1970, 25 x 37 in. , 26/50, SOLD Untitled, 1978, 20 x 29.5 in, coloured pencil on paper Works Heads in Abstraction, 1988, stonecut & stencil, 18.75 x 25 in. (paper) composition, circa 1990, stone, 2.75 x 7.5 x 1.5 in. Gallery Exhibitions December 7 to January 18 Qamanittuaq ᖃᒪᓂᑐᐊᖅ: Stone, Paper, Cloth June 11 to July 16 The Reinhard Derreth Collection January 8 to February 13 Faces & Heads: Sculptures from the Brian P. Wilson Collection Publications Qamanittuaq: Where the River Widens – Drawings by Baker Lake Artists