Hybridity: Françoise Oklaga & Shuvinai Ashoona

Marion Scott Gallery is pleased to present Hybridity: Françoise Oklaga and Shuvinai Ashoona. Presented in association with the Outside Art Fair, this exhibition looks at the artistic visions of two Inuit artists from northern Canada whose expressions on paper explore the relationships between the material and the spiritual and between humans and animals. Though separated by considerable distance and time, Oklaga and Ashoona both use hybrid figure forms to look similarly at the theme of transformation and the connections that exist between people and between people and animals. In the work of both artists, transformational creatures made up of hybrid identities are shown to co-exist with humans and animals in the same world.

Shuvinai Ashoona
Going Marching with Great Grandparents, Going on to February 29, 2020, coloured pencil, graphite & ink on paper, 18 x 59 in.

Shuvinai Ashoona
untitled (making rope from walrus skin), 2013, coloured pencil, graphite & ink on paper, 47.5 x 49.75 in.

Shuvinai Ashoona
untitled (people with arms around each other), 2011, coloured pencil & ink on paper, 25.5 x 19.75 in.

Shuvinai Ashoona
untitled (sedna with hair nest & eggs), 2008/2009, coloured pencil on paper, 39.25 x 30 in.

Shuvinai Ashoona
Composition 2: Shock like Water Creatures, 2019, etching with hand-colouring, 35.75 x 47 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (animal-human amalgamated forms), 1978, coloured pencil on paper, 18 x 25 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (human, seal, bird & bear with human hybrid forms), 1979, coloured pencil on paper, 18 x 25 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (hunter fighting off bird for catch), 1979, coloured pencil on paper, 18 x 25 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (amalgamated animal form with human figure & igloo), 1979, coloured pencil on paper, 25 x 33 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (amalgamated composition of human & animal forms), 1979, coloured pencil on paper, 25 x 33 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (human-animal transformations), 1979, coloured pencil on paper, 25 x 33 in.

Françoise Oklaga
untitled (woman’s head with polar bear-wolverine composition & amalgamated forms), 1978, coloured pencil on paper, 25 x 33 in.