Nick Sikkuark’s “Humour and Horror” Reviewed in Galleries West
Nick Sikkuark’s Humour and Horror retrospective at the National Gallery of Canada was reviewed...
Nick Sikkuark in “Humour and Horror” at the National Gallery of Canada
Nick Sikkuark: Humour and Horror, the first major retrospective of this important Inuk artist,...
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory & Jamie Griffiths at SAW
Timiga, Nunalu, Sikulu (“My Body, the Land, and the Ice”), a 2018 video installation...
Hazel Wilson at the Sainsbury Centre
Six works from Jut-ke-Nay Hazel Wilson’s epic series of Haida history robes are featured...
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory and Taqralik Partridge at the Canadian Centre for Architecture
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory and Taqralik Partridge are featured in Towards Home, on view at Montreal’s Canadian Centre for...